Daily Reflections

He’s on His Throne

septembre 1, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. —Psalm 103:19

When life gets hard or when the world seems like it’s falling apart, I remind myself of two words: Heaven rules. There is no power of evil that can sabotage God’s redemptive story and plan.

Governments and administrations come and go, but God is always on His throne. He’s working to accomplish His saving purposes in this world and to glorify Himself. God has been on His throne in the past, He’s still on His throne today, and He will be on His throne no matter what happens tomorrow.

Whatever is going on in your personal life or in the world, we can be people of hope because we know Heaven rules. If we really believe this, then our hearts will not be troubled. We will have comfort, hope, and assurance. We will be a people who are rooted and grounded in faith, and we will have a perspective that no matter what happens or whether we understand it, we’re going to be okay because Heaven rules.

Make it Personal

How does the truth that Heaven rules give you peace when you think about the future?